What sets us apart…
Tidal Running uses a dynamic and process-based approach to coaching when developing runners of all ages & abilities. By focusing on and embracing where each runner is at in relation to where they aspire to be. Relying on a combined 70 years of competitive running experience and 20 years of coaching, Tidal Running coaches have the insight and expertise to guide any runner to their next level.
Tidal Running uses a comprehensive & complete approach to coaching runners to ensure that all of the necessary steps are taken to create long-term, sustained gains and improvements. With a focus on much more than running alone, Tidal Running deploys dynamic mobility exercises, corrective & performance-improving strength training work, proper form drills, active & passive recovery modalities, and a massive library of athlete-specific training sessions tailored to the individual and their goals.
For far too long, runners have been told to ‘just run’ if they want to improve. Tidal Running’s goal is to show and teach aspiring runners how to practice their craft, break down their sport, and analyze the small pieces that make up the whole. By giving runners more tools to succeed, Tidal Runners will better understand their how’s and why’s, which will lead to a stronger foundation to build from. Gone should be the days of checking boxes, clocking time, or chasing mileage. Tidal Runners understand that every minute spent training should result in a positive adaptation in themselves and in their running.
Running comes in many shapes, sizes, and forms, and Tidal Running coaches have experience in just about all of them. With extensive backgrounds in road, track, cross country and strength & conditioning – Tidal Running will push athletes to get out of their comfort zone and to experience new disciplines and new distances to make them better runners. Adding variety and a change in stimulus will keep you and your running moving in the right direction.
If you are eager to learn, ready to grow, willing to work, and are prepared to commit to becoming your very best -
then this is the coaching team for you.